
collection erwan le vourch

old international second hand books.....old international second hand books, collectible books.....old international second hand books



North to the Orient

with maps by Charles A. Lindbergh

New York - Harcourt, Brace and Company

february 1936

..Anne Morrow Lindbergh North to the Orient maps by Ch. Lindbergh

inside view

Lord Byron, dramas John Murray edition 1837 vol I


Lord Byron, dramas, vol I

London John Murray 1837

Manfred,Marino Faliero, Heaven and Earth, Sardanapalus


James McNeill Whistler

The gentle art of making enemies

New York 1890 John W. Lovell Co.

with an etching and a commentary


James Whistler the gentle art of making enemies 1890

Philip Gibbs Cities of refuge 1937 

Philip GIBBS

Cities of Refuge - a novel

Doubleday, Doran and Co

New York 1937 first edition

no more available

Knud Voss

Guldalderens Malerkunst

Dansk Arkitekturmaleri 1800-1850

Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck

Koebenhavn 1968 


Knud Voss Dansk Arkitekturmaleri

R L Stevenson Tusitala edition vol 11 The wrong box The body-snatcher

Robert Louis Stevenson

Tusitala edition 1924 VOL XI

The wrong box

The Body-snatcher


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