collection erwan le vourch  

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revues albums cahiers anciens internationaux.... revues, albums,cahiers anciens ( international selection )... revues albums cahiers anciens internationaux


The second country life

Picture Book of London

73 photographs by G. F.Allen

first published in 1953

by Country Life Limited

third impression 1956

Picture Book of London 1953 G. F. Allen

two little nuns, by Bill O'Malley 1950


Two Little Nuns

a book of cartoons

by Bill O'Malley for Extension magazine,

Chicago 1950 


publications about British Monarchy

4 publications about

British Monarchy

 Highland Dress, booklet c1900

Highland Dress

Its style - How it should be worn

a 16 pages fully pictured booklet



livres ou revues, occasion ....liste des themes, to pay ? comment acheter ?





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comment acheter ? How to pay ?

Comment acheter ? How to pay ?

1 - nous nous mettons d'accord sur l'objet et le prix par e-mail e-mail

we agree about the book and the price by e-mail.

For abroad, the price may be revised upwards according to postage rates.

2 - vous m'adressez un chèque ou virement du prix convenu

pour un virement, je peux vous communiquer mon RIB par mail

from abroad, you have to transfer to my bank account with the IBAN I e-mailed you.

3 - je vous fais l'envoi par lettre

the prices will be postage included, and may be revised for some far destinations.