collection erwan le vourch

old vintage images of New-York city.....old vintage images from New -York City ......old vintage images of New-York city

2 € each image or 30 € the 20 images + port (each image is printed on both side)

vintage image New York the Equitable Building 1913

N Y C the Equitable Building 1913

vintage image New York Knickerbocker Hotel c1910

N Y C the Knickerbocker Hôtel c1910

New York City the world's highest towers, printed image c1910

N Y C the World's Highest Towers 

vintage image New York City Hotel McAlpin 34th str.

N Y C Hôtel McAlpin, 34th str.

old vintage image from Nex York city

N Y C The Metropolitan Life Insur. bldg.

New York City Broad street and rhe Curb Brokers c1910

N Y C Broad street and the Curb Brokers c1910

New York City Woolworth building and Post Office c1910

N Y C Woolworth building and Post Office

vintage image New York City Flat Iron building c1910

N Y C Flat Iron bldg

vintage image New York City the Waldorf Astoria c1910 

New York City the Waldorf Astoria c1910

vintage image New York City Municipal building 1913

N Y C Municipal building 1913

vintage image New York City the Times building c1910

N Y C the Times building c1910

vintage image New York City St Paul and Park Row bldgs c1910

N Y C St Paul and Park Row bldgs c1910

vintage image New York City the Biltmore Hotel c1910

N Y C the Biltmore Hôtel



vintage image New York City Sky line 1911

N Y C sky line by night 1911

vintage New York Herald square, Broadway and 6th av. 1913

N Y C Herald square, Broadway and 6th avenue

vintage picture NYC Madison square c1910

N Y C Madison square, Metropolitan Life, Flat Iron bldgs

New York City elevated R.R. curve 110th street c1910

NyC elevated R.R. curve at 110th street c1910

New York City Soldiers' and Sailors' monument c1910

N Y C Soldiers' and Sailors' monument

vintage picture New York City fifth avenue c1910

N Y C Fifth avenue north c1910

vintage picture New York High bridge Washington heights c1910

N Y C High bridge Washington heights c1910


old vintage postcards of New-York city....vintage pictures from United vintage postcards

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 liens city of new york d'images sur l'architecture de New-York .....historique de New York, en français english