The Coronation of Their Majesties

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth

Official Souvenir Programme

May 12th 1937



coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Official programme





36 pages fully illustrated - good condition

Prayer for the King's reign

A foreword by the Duke of Gloucester

The King's majesty, by John Drinkwater 2 pages

King George the Sixth ( Prince Albert 's youth ) 3 pages

The coronation procession ; composition and members 8 pages

French Representatives : M. Delbos, Général Gamelin, Admiral Darlan, Général Féquant, M. Becq de Fouquières, M. Léger, M.Rochat

Official Route double page map

The coronation ceremony, by Sir Gerald Wollaston 4 pages

The coronation service, an introduction by His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury

The form and order of the coronation : rite and prayers 8 pages

Genealogical table showing the Descent of the Crown

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the coronation of George VI and Queen Elizabeth Official souvenir programme







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coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth

The King and Queen with Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret







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His Majesty King George VI (illustr.)

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 

Their Royal Highnesses the Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret

Her Majesty Queen Mary

His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester

The King and Queen with Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret ( illustr.)

Prince Albert when 6 of age, 6 little pictures of the Duke of York 1923/1935

Buckingham Palace, seen from the air

The Ampulla and Anointing Spoon, the Spurs and the Ring, the 3 Swords, the Cap of State, the Sceptre, the Sword with which the King is girded, the Coronation Chair, the King's Orb, the Queen's Orb, St Edward's Crown, the State(imperial) Crown, Queen Elizabeth's Crown, the Archbishop of Canterbury

coronation of King George VI

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price : France & Europe 20 euros port included






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